That awkwardness...

I have to say; I have found myself in a very tricky state of affairs. I speak with and say hello to lots of people. They know and address me by my name - yet I don't know theirs. For whatever silly type of reason I have, I just have no idea what they are called. They are not even friends or acquaintances. But the thing after that; that is their odd category.  It has now gone past the point of asking them what their name is. If I were to ask, I would look, well, bad and feel like a melon. That window of initial asking of names passed too long ago. What am I to do? These people are obviously oblivious to my ignorance. My generic greetings and slight guilt when my name is used frequently only adds to this difficult dilemma and highly complex conundrum. I'd say I lay awake at night beating myself up about it, but that would be a lie.

One day I know I will have to use a name, I will have to shout them or something. Erm erm..Bert, Bill, Bob, Wendy, erm Lucy ma jig, Frank...nah, I just don't think that would be a name they would have. Oi!.. I guess I will have to use that trusty form of beckoning.Yep, that's it... Oi!...Sorted.

Submitted by Demola, The Collective


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