The day I made a meme

With the world being turned completely upside down due to this terrible pandemic, something else has inadvertently risen up. Forget Rise of the Apes, 2020 has heralded the rise of the comedians. The world is either full of people infected by this horrible virus, or the seemingly funny bug. The amount of videos and memes circulating basically poking fun at all things coronavirus related. Some range from the hilarious to the not so much. I must give it to the people who make these videos, they're actually very quick off the mark. Who even are these individuals who make such videos? I guess that's something I will never know. The same goes to the people who make the thousands of memes that fly about. Who doesn't like a good meme? This relatively newish way of funniness has quickly saturated the internet/social media over the last few years.

So, due to being confined to my home I decided that I would give this meme game a bash. It couldn't be that hard to knock up a funny caption then let it loose on social media. In theory it felt like a most splendid idea. Make up your own hilarious meme. And all being well it would perhaps go viral and I would sit back on my Chesterfield sofa with a smug look on my face as the world laughs hysterically at my joke - not knowing that I was the brains behind it. Brilliant. So, free meme app downloaded and excitement levels began to bubble.

I had already thought long and hard on what picture to use; perhaps a few minutes, then all I needed was a witty caption. Again, this didn't take too long. The art of good humour is to be quick. If you have to take a long time to contemplate a joke - then the chances are that it won't be particularly funny. After a few moments of perfecting my meme I was good to go. Chuckling to myself at how funny I thought it was. My fantastic meme was ready for lift off. First, I would casually drop it into a WhatsApp group I was a part of then wait for the barrage of crying with laughter emojis that would surely ensue. Oh, this would be great! After a moment of maiden meme nerves, I dropped it on the group chat. Then I patiently waited for the flood of emojis...

The first response was, "I don't get it??"  The second echoed the first sentiment, "Neither do I." Then somebody started trying figure out the meaning of the meme. No!! It doesn't have a hidden meaning! It's supposed to be easy to understand! Just laugh a lot, (please!!) Cry with laughter at my funny joke! I spent some precious time planning and implementing this.

If anybody could actually see my expressionless face during this excruciating death, I am certain a meme could have been made laughing at my plight. Should I have explained what it meant? No. Once you begin trying to explain a joke you may as well just die. If the coronavirus doesn't kill you then a poorly received meme probably will.  Perhaps I could have left the group chat as a way of protest for my meme not being appreciated. This really was not what I had hoped for! The opposite of my expectations. Finally, somebody sent a laughing emoji. Redemption. This intelligent person got the 'joke' then another also laughed. But by then it made no difference to me, as I was already about to order a coffin via deliveroo. My foray into the world of memes had been dashed before I had a chance to become famous.

Actually, on reflection, the people in the group chat didn't actually know I had made the meme all by myself.  So, I guess that is a smidgen of a saving grace. But... in all honestly, that is a slither of comfort. I posted the meme - so it was associated with my name. Due to this embarrassing experience, never again! My meme days are over!

Well... until I think of something that I convince myself is hilarious.

Demola, TCC


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