Savvy Supermarket Shoppers

I didn't even notice it until it was pointed out to me, (by my animated sister.) Then, suddenly, I saw it with my very own eyes. The intent in their pupils. The potent anticipation that was gripping their very beings. Like a flock of primed seagulls waiting to swoop, or famished lions ready to pounce. There before my widened eyes were a group of people waiting by a side door in a local supermarket, waiting (somewhat patiently) for packaged food to be brought out at hugely discounted prices.

I had heard about this relatively new wave phenomena, but had yet observed it for myself. Supermarket savvy individuals who say no to regular supermarket prices. And for good reason, these nifty people would rather wait until the store drastically reduces food at very, very cheap prices at a certain point during an evening. Bread, cereals, veg, you name it. Why pay a few pounds for something when you can obtain it for a few pence. However, the sell by (or use by) date is rapidly ticking down. Plus, by now, the veg is always usually extremely sweaty.

So there I was, fascinated by the gathering spectacle before me. Suddenly the doors burst open - and a trolly was brought out with the discounted goods. Patient decorum was instantly discarded like a dirty coat - as the eager shoppers got to scrambling for anything that was desirable to the eyes, or belly. During the midst of this measured excitement I noticed my mother marching away from my sister and I. Yes, she strode with purpose and waded right into the gaggle of bargain hunters. Like a seagull amongst lesser pigeons deliberating over discarded fast food, she made her presence known.(All hands and elbows) In all fairness, my mother is a seasoned shopper. She basically has a hot line app on her phone for when food will be reduced in her local supermarket. Like the Bat sign shining above Gotham - when the time to get 10p bread or other food stuffs arrives - she will be off. (Shoes or no shoes) Always returning home happy, proud, with her booty of discounted shopping. Shopping bill of, say, £1 for a semi plethora of things that will, erm, last perhaps a day at best.

I have to admire those who are so money savvy, frugal and know how to make ends meet. It really is an art. Even my friend happened to grab a bunch of dying flowers for his beloved wife. 8p - yes! I will take those! And that he did. Of course the flowers didn't last long,  but it was the thought that counted. The thought of, why spend a small fortune on expensive flowers - when you can get them for very cheap. They're going to die, anyway, so why waste your money?! This friend even has a dedicated Instagram page to supermarket bargains.

Just brilliant.

Demola, TCC


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