The life of Heidi

Heidi is 27 years old and lives in Copenhagen, Denmark. She is a statuesque 5’11 and has light brown hair. Her skin is beautifully clear. Heidi has nice eyebrows and a big smile. Heidi loves to ride her black town bike to work every day. She works in a quirky vegan cafe in the popular neighbourhood of Norrebo. She loves her job and working with her friends. Heidi’s best friend is William. William works for Rains and owns a classic VW Beetle.

Heidi likes drinking craft beer socially. She also enjoys many genres of music. Regularly on a Friday night she likes to listen to jazz in La Fontaine. The best jazz house in Copenhagen. Heidi has met an eclectic mix of people in this haunt.

Heidi speaks exceptional English, although she modestly says she isn’t the best. Heidi likes to travel when she can. She has visited countries in Africa, such as: Mozambique, Tanzania and Botswana. Heidi is comfortable with people from various backgrounds. She once dated a black guy from Amsterdam. He was a photographer with a cool afro. Heidi finds diminutive Turkish men a little creepy. Especially the ones who offer her free kebab meat in exchange for a kiss. In the winter Heidi likes to wear mainly black. Heidi has an impressive collection of sneakers that she is proud of.

Heidi doesn’t understand why people don’t all just get along. Heidi doesn’t like seeing people eating meat. This makes her furrow her brow. Heidi likes to be positive and not think about deep things. Heidi is very happy living in Copenhagen and is planning on going for dinner with friends after work.

Demola, TCC


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