Cut down on people in the UK eating dog meat

If somebody were to ask you if you would eat dog meat I am pretty certain your face and mouth would answer simultaneously. A face contorting no! Is what the majority of people would respond with.

Like, really, who in their right mind would like to actually chow down on dog meat? Well according to UK law you can't buy or sell dog meat, but if you humanely kill a dog you own, you can eat it. What? I may not be a dog owner - or a lover of dogs, but why would you want to "humanely" kill your beloved pet to then have for dinner? (What would you even goes well with dog?!)

There have been calls to make it illegal, including from SNP PM Dr Lisa Cameron who believes that the public would be "right behind legislation for a ban." A spokesman for the prime minister says the UK has some of the highest animal welfare standards in the world and "we wish to maintain that."

The World Dog Alliance says it doesn't know if there are people in the UK who eat dog meat - but still wants it to be made illegal. Dr Cameron says that actually there has been a rise in the consumption of dog meat in the UK, but two animal welfare organisations strongly refuted this, stated that they don't have any evidence of this. (Erm, what about hot dogs?)

Some random countries in in Asia eat dogs, and it is also said to happen in Switzerland, although dog consumption isn't widespread. Animal organisations claim that some dogs which are eaten in other countries are stolen pets, are kept in horrible conditions are tortured before they're killed.

Kike Yuen is project executive at the World Dog Alliance, based in Hong Kong, which campaigns to promote laws on banning dog meat eating around the world. The organisation has been lobbying for a similar law in the US. There have been few reported cases of people heartily chewing away on rottweiler steaks in the country.

Proposals for a law banning dog meat in America are currently working their way through US Congress. "The reason why we did the legislation in the United States is because we found that there are some Asian Immigrants eating dogs there," He further added: "We are worried that it is going to happen in the UK."

Despite there being no strong evidence that people dine on dog meat in the UK, DR Cameron said the government has to take action to nip it in the bud. British Prime Minister, Theresa May's official spokesman said that the commercial trade in dog meat in the UK is illegal, but that they would look closely at the decision taken in the US.

"Britain is a nation of animal lovers and we continue to have some of the highest  animal welfare standards in the world."

Asked if he would at least try a try a rottweiler steak, the spokesman refused to comment.

Demola, TCC


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