Couple banned from using taxi cabs

A couple who weigh 55 stone have been banned from using taxis, because, wait for it... they're too fat. Well the 26 stone boyfriend also allegedly broke the suspension of two cabs, it has been claimed.

Mr and Missus fat, we will call them, due to legal reasons would use taxi cabs up to four times a day to ride a mile to visit the mother of Mr Fats. But just as recently as Tuesday the couple were told when they attempted to book a cab that they had been banned because Mr Fat had damaged two cabs due to his weight.

Miss Fat, who weighs a modest 19 stone believes that she and her partner are being cruelly discriminated because of their size. The cab firm protested that this was untrue, stating that is not because the couple are 'fat' but merely  because they don't have vehicles big enough to accommodate Mr and Miss' Fat's buttocks.

Mr Fat is registered as obese and has numerous health problems. He says that he is "appalled" by the decision, especially because he has been a loyal costumer for years, spending £20 a day on taxis. He even added that he would book five seater cabs so that they could fit his body. And yet the firm are choosing to treat him like this. Mr Fat lamented that he is obese due to "medical reasons" and that the way he and his partner are being treated is discrimination, pure and simple. Further adding that he didn't believe the cars suspensions were knackered, he just feels that they didn't want people of his size in their cars. Adding that obesity is a very real disease.

Being told to use another cab firm was the final nail in the coffin for the annoyed and upset couple. The cab firm is adamant it doesn't have cabs big enough for the couple and that a cab driver actually did complain about the suspension going on his tank.

Demola, TCC


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