The fixed gear diaries

The sun was out. Wonderful sunshine beaming down on a pleasant spring weekend. Automatically optimism began to bubble forth. The sun was shining, the weather warm and generous. Bicycle ready, backpack packed, album selected. Outside the spacious playground. Destinations not particularly set in stone. A quick ride down to the bike store to pump up the wheels, then cycle away to wherever I fancied. A subtle hint of a sweet breeze enhancing my sunny journey, as I peddled down the road in speed. A lithe fixie making steady progress alongside the motorists. The feeling of freeness that always makes the cycling experience so enjoyable ever present.

A swift right at a junction, then past the relatively small park, full of people basking in the heat, happy children running and playing, parents relaxing on the grass, soaking up the sun.  Ducks lazily floating on the little lake. Happy sunshine filled spring days. After stopping for an hour or so to see a loved one back to the bike. In and out of traffic and along with pace. Loving the journey. Down a hill to a much bigger park, through the walkway and in and out of people casually sauntering along in the increasing heat. A plethora of people populating the picturesque park. People with ice creams, bicycles, dogs, so much to take in whilst peddling along.

Exiting the park at an available opening. A broad road for my primed wheels to enjoy until another junction then heading into another park, more tranquil than the previous two. Before knowing it I was out of the main entrance. Thoroughly absorbed with my cycling expedition, the sun making everything seem that bit better. Why can't everyday be like this? Around the motionless bus and a sharp left, up a hill with some effort. Colourful wheels catching peoples attention as per usual. A loud beep startles me as I turn my head sharply. A 'friend' thinking he is funny scaring me on the road. Typical! I cycle fast to catch him at the lights then shout at him for alarming me. He laughs then drives off. Charming.

After a pit stop at the supermarket, fruit glorious fruit - then back to the two wheels. The city centre beckons as I mount my fixie. I wish the sun would shine like this everyday.

Demola, TCC


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