Kangaroo flexes bulging muscles at stunned man and his dog

Another day, another mildly interesting new story involving an animal. Today's account focuses on a particularly muscular kangaroo. Yes, you read that correctly. A kangaroo with big muscles. So where does one even begin when relating this unimportant news story? How about at the beginning. So... an Australian man, Jackson Vincent, was out walking his dog near a creek when he spotted the mammoth 6ft 5in mammal casually standing in the water. Jackson couldn't believe his eyes, his dog couldn't believe its eyes. Quickly the owner concluded that the giant kangaroo was preparing to attack his pet dog. Who knows what the dog concluded.

Jackson, from Freemantle, Perth had been visiting his grandmother when he saw the huge animal around 11:30am. He added that he had been going to the same creek since he was a little boy and there has always been kangaroos on the property. "I was walking my dog and we saw this huge roo standing in the water. I have never seen a kangaroo standing in the water like that, we could just see his head first, and he was one of the biggest I have ever seen."

"As I ran around him to take a picture he came closer (yeah, probably not the best idea, mate) and that was when I realised he was coming right at me and he was really big." OK... so what happened next? Well Jackson further added, "I am pretty confident around animals but the moment when he started to come out of the water my heart definitely jumped and I decided to take a few steps back. He looked to be at least two metres (6ft 5in) tall or taller and must have weighed at least 100 kg (16st). Crikey.

"He had a really big body and was taller than me. There are a lot of roos at my grandma's place but I have never seen one that muscular before - he was a big macho male. I decided to get Dharma (the name of his dog) out of there as we thought the kangaroo was going to lure him into the water to drown him." Maybe it wanted to give the little doggy a bath?

After taking the snaps of this tanked up kangaroo Jackson uploaded them onto social media, as you do. These pictures quickly went viral, racking up thousands of likes and shares. Less than eagle eyed commentators were quick to point out the animal's impressive bodybuilder-like muscular shoulders, biceps and chest and threatening posture. Isn't that why the pictures were posted in the first place? Anyway, Jackson after dropping his dog back at his grandmothers house then returned to the creek to see if the roo was still 
there. Erm, why?

Sure enough, it still was, and this time it showed him its claws. Jackson saying: "His claws were really big - they were as long as my hand. That for me was even scarier than his muscles, they looked nasty. I have never seen a kangaroo be so defensive - it definitely looked like it was puffing his chest muscles up. I definitely wouldn't like to take him on in a boxing match."

So there you have it, a man walking his dog in Austrailia saw a kangaroo with big muscles and nails that could have done with clipping. This man was so scared that he took photos on his phone, then after making sure that the welfare of his pet was safe - he then returned, because he had to again see if this "scary" creature was still lurking about. And to further add to his comments - he said that he wouldn't like to take on this kangaroo in a boxing match. In case you didn't know, boxing kanagroos is not legal. Also, who said that kangaroos can't take care of their bodies and work out? Oh I give up. The kangaroo should have just sucker punched this man for being so stupid.

Demola, TCC


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