Annoying TV shows: Secret Eaters

There are so many shows that I have watched that just render me to shaking my head with dismay. In the UK we are privy to so many TV shows that are as fascinating as they are ludicrous. Today I will discuss a show that I have watched on a few occasions until I turned over because it was, to be frank, getting on my nerves. The show in question is called, Secret Eaters.

Oh boy, where do I even begin? OK, let's start with the premise. Well the show is basically about overweight people who are 'trying' to lose weight but are at a loss as to why their attempts are not yielding results. They regularly attend gyms, (they claim), they don't consume too much food, (they claim) - yet still they can not shift the fat that is covering their bodies.  
This is where the Secret Eaters team come in, the host, a lady who has done so many documentary type shows on body image and so forth, is on hand to get down to the nitty gritty of the lack of weight loss. Asking probing questions such as, "how much would you say that you eat a day?" "Do you drink much alcohol?" "Do you exercise regularly?" To which the chunky person responds with the obligatory, not much, occasionally, and, erm... I get the gym as often as I can. These lines appear so believable and sincere (if you're naive) that the audience at home probably, well certainly not me start to root for these unfortunate people. What a crying shame that after all of the admirable things that these often obese people do they still can not lose a couple of pounds.
Time for the show to really get into action. Secret cameras are placed in prime locations to monitor the eating and lifestyle habits of these larger than life monsters  who have kindly invited us into their lives. Cameras in the kitchen, living room, work place and local gym - plus wherever else they happen to go, ie the local grocery store, for example. 
So... cameras placed and quickly the truth begins to unravel itself like a poorly constructed turban - and when I say unravel, it's quite the eye opener if truth be told. These people who have lamented before our eyes are suddenly exposed as well, liars - and pathological ones at that. We see first hand how when it comes to meal times they ravenously pile their plates with a  mountain of food.  Footage of late night rendezvous to  takeaways, (yes, the cameras  are everywhere). When it comes to alcohol consumption they guzzle it down as though they had been toiling in a desert for months. Gym usage, oh they do go - but most can be seen loitering with intent around the vending machine, only breaking out into a sweat when it appears that their bottle of diet coke is jammed on its way down. All of this disturbing footage is replayed back to the overweight people, their faces a picture of shock, embarrassment and in many cases, tears. 
Standing there blubbering away they protest that they didn't realise how much they ate and basically a load of baloney. By this point if I had had a slither of sympathy for them I don't anymore, well to be honest - I didn't believe their lies in the first place because I've watched the show before so I always know what to expect. Nonsense. Anyway,  by now I am itching to turn over as they are getting on my nerves and I am fed up with looking at their faces and hearing their weak excuses. You've been rumbled, just admit you're a greedy pig! Having said that, though, some, however, do face up to their untruths and admit that they have been in denial. Telling the presenter that they just convinced themselves they ate healthy as they munched on a toffee apple. At times I do wonder why I subject my brain to this programme. 
There is a feature of this show that I have to admit I find interesting. The resident health expert/doctor shows the fat people the equivalent of what they eat compared to say, bags of sugar or whatever. So say the jelly-bellied person has a penchant for scoffing bags of crisps the health guru will say would you consume this amount of sugar in a week as they survey a table laden with sugar. To which the sheepish lardy person always retorts no. Well inadvertently you have, mate - to which renders the individual to either surprise, (more tears), or rouge chubby cheeks. Also, I am convinced the resident doctor, one peculiar looking older man, wears a toupee. I always think it, as it's so distracting, wondering if a spin off show will get commissioned on his behalf: Secret Wig Wearers.


If you can stomach this programme in its entirety you will see it attempts to have a happy ending. After being royally exposed the host and the deluded person in question come up with a healthier eating plan and exercise regime. Fast forward a few weeks or months and the cameras return to the home to where  we discover a slightly more svelte and 'happier person', dressed in black or something that doesn't really showcase their figure so much, as they stand there (hand on hip) saying how amazing and wonderful they feel and how they will continue with this new way of living. By this point I have had enough and switch over. Lies! Let's see you in a tight swimming costume (shivers...) and without being afforded a professional make over stood under flattering lighting then we will decide if we really believe you. 

Demola, TCC


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