The trials of life

Time can go ever so slowly when you are not engaging in anything remotely exciting. Take a day at the office. Sat there at your desk clock watching, gazing into space, daydreaming, checking your phone. Ah, the trusty phone. The portal to the outside world. Keeping you excellent company until the battery begins to flash red. No bother, let me just pull out my charger. The one that usually reclines on the desk or is laying tangled in the darkness of a stationary backpack.
I fish into the realm of opaqueness, where is it? Perhaps it's hiding in one of the pockets, the playful beggar. Nope, not there, either. Rummaging around for a few slightly anxious moments the charger is still not located. Then the awful realisation dawns upon me; I forgot it at home!! Oh no! (As I contemplate ripping open my garments). Why me? Why me? I ask myself, quietly. Before I look around to see if anybody has noticed my angst. The clock looks at me with a distinct hint of satisfaction. "Whatcha gonna do now, eh?!"  How will I ever cope? Like seriously. What on earth am I supposed to do at work without my mobile phone?? (Actual work would be an option) But I dismiss that ridiculous idea as quickly as model scout would dismiss a fat persons portfolio. This is a terrible situation to  now be presented with: Being cut off from the entire inhabited world. The amazing world of numerous phone apps. Phone applications make the world go round, don't you know. The wonderful, picturesque world of Instagram, I may get liking withdrawals! The frequent, irrelevant dialogue conducted via WhatsAPP, multiple conversations on the go, with friends who keep you company and perhaps sane throughout the metronome day. Oh how I'm going to miss using emoticons! (Crying face/cute little monkey covering it's eyes/sad face emotion).
Things haven't been this bad since I once forgot my phone at home all day and went to work. Now that was an extremely tough and trying day, fraught with abject worrying. However, the abiding consolodating thought that managed to comfort one through that day - was that this trial would  make me realise how popular I actually was. So, on quickly arriving home to be reunited with my little device  I was  giddy with the expectation of a barrage of missed calls (from worried family and friends, of course) a plethora of text and multimedia messages from all and sundry and basically my phone feeling red hot due to it constantly vibrating. (It's usually on silent). Well, the reality (the shameful reality) was that my beloved device was neither scorching hot nor was it bulging with messages and missed calls. Occasions like that can really leave a person feeling melancholic and terribly unloved. And trust me - it takes a long time to recover from a blow such as that. So now the mind can't but help tentatively contemplate a recurrence of such a thing happening again.
Only time will tell, until one gets home - frantically locates the charger, waits for the breath of life to fill the lungs of the battery. Then that wait; the anticipation for messages, missed calls to stream through. Until then, I may as well do what I am paid to do - and that is work. (Or ask my colleagues if any of them have an iphone charger. Now why didn't I think of that sooner).

Demola, TCC


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