
He had spoken effusively about you. I was intrigued, naturally. I had to meet you for myself. And so I did that gloriously balmy summer. A summer soaking up your many delights. He wasn't wrong about you. You and I became acquainted in a most alluring way. A burgeoning love and fascination that has grown and continued to flourish. 

Initially I was hesitant when we first met, less confident. You forced me to speak to you differently. To drop my accustomed dialect and tongue. To adopt another, to use it to get better acquainted with you. You improve me. You challenge me. I love it. I revel in it. My confidence has grown with you. 

A pleasurable experience you afford me as I walk you kindly show me your favourite spots. You playfully tease and confuse me when I make my way through the corridors of your vast home. The myriads of alleys to quarters and squares. You are; captivating, unique, spectacular. Artistic, cultured, gothic. You never seem to sleep yet manage to still look beautiful. You have this summery scent that I just can't help being drawn to. You inspire me. You always leave me wanting to come back for more. 

I always see and learn new things about you. The more I visit the more I see. The more I feel. The more I love.


Demola, TCC


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