
Leave the bike take the bus. Umbrella up. Bring on the rain. Splish. Splash. Stroll along. Monotony, we aren't friends. Take a hike.

Dull gold to pay the fare. Find a seat. Sit and stare. Ahead. Packed bus. Minimal fuss. Interesting faces. Ages. Races. Free paper to read. I'm tired I wish I was back in bed. 

People can stay in the coat. Snoop and speak later. Quirky woman. Standing dancing to her music. She doesn't care. I watch then look away. Can't be bothered. 

Start. Stop. Start. Stop.

Bus begins to leak. They spill out. Cold air. City street. They walk. I watch. Behind the steamed window. Then they evaporate.

Wait. For a few more stops and then rise to my feet. 

Nearly there. 

Demola, TCC 


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