The life of Mr Gordon

Mr Gordon is 47 years old. He is 5'8 and wears a comfortable sized 7 shoe. Mr Gordon lives in the north west of England, the little town of Burnley to be precise. He has a wife and a son and daughter. 

Mr Gordon is a second generation Carribean man. His parents arrived from the 'island' during the wind rush era and  due to an unknown reason they found their way to Lancashire which coincided with Mr Gordon Jnr being born 18 months after his elder sister, Angela and 11 months before his younger brother, Barrington. They also have another brother, Kevin. He is the youngest and was born two months after Barrington.  Kevin was the result of Mr Gordon snr having an affair with Mrs Roberts, a local lady who worked in the towns post office. 

Both Angela and Barrington fled Burnley for Manchester as soon as they could. Mr Gordon chose not to. He has lived in Burnley for the entirety of his life. Kevin also lives in Burnley. However, he and Mr Gordon Jnr are not particularly close.

Mr Gordon has grey speckled braids that sit upon his head. He has them applied every few months when Angela visits him. Every time Angela visits she brings with her a tub of Palmers cocoa butter, some pink oil and two bags of plantain chips. Sometimes Angela brings a copy of the Voice magazine for her brother to read. 

Mr Gordon has a small thin moustache that sits peacefully above his top lip. His  wife doesn't like it and says it makes him look a little bit sleazy. Mr Gordon does not smile very often and has been known on occasions to kiss his teeth. 

Mr Gordon is a working man and has worked the same job since he left school. He works as a steward for his towns football club. Mr Gordon takes his job seriously and has been made chief steward due his sterling work over the years. Mr Gordon is very committed to his job and has been known to put his work ahead of his family. Come rain and minimal shine Mr Gordon can be seen monitoring the stands with his watchful eyes and hand on his walkie talkie radio ready to report any misbehaving football fans. 

On a few occasions Mr Gordon has been the victim of terrible racist abuse from ignorant football fans. Mr Gordon does not take kindly to being called an ape. He keeps his cool but promptly has such fans ejected and banned from the stadium. 

Mr Gordon once visited his grandparents back on the island. He didn't like it so much as the climate was very different to in Burnley. He sweated profusely and found the food to be a little spicy and exotic for his palette. He was also alarmed that the majority of male residents addressed him as 'bro,' this made him wonder exactly how many other children his dad had fathered. He  was on the receiving end of general ribbing from his cousins due to the state of his braids. Alongside this they also found his strong regional accent to be highly amusing. 

Mr Gordon has not been back since. 

Demola, TCC 


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