The Day Job

A constant tide of red buses.
A girl stands by the door on her phone while waiting for a friend.
Police sirens punch through the air in the distance.
A stocky man standing in the foyer unleashes four consecutive sneezes.
Needless to say its hay fever season.
A small child skips about, bemused by the mystical power she wields over the automatic sliding doors.
Streams of women briskly walk past in pairs, clutching coffee cups.
Mundane conversations pollute the atmosphere.
A group of British Transport Police officers descend on the bus stop adjacent, in a resolved effort to capture the occasional fare dodger.
An obese woman whizzes past on a motorized scooter, ironically in a rush.
The sun comes and goes as it pleases.
This is London city, the sun forever teases.
Apparently it is sandal weather. However, some women shouldn't wear them.
I have nothing against a sandal, but I've got major issues with the dry toes scandal.
Two policeman casually ride past on horses laughing and joking.
It goes quiet.
All of a sudden it gets hectic due to unwelcome bottlenecks.
Great... this person walking towards me looks upset.
I wonder will this day go quick?
I'm taking all bets.
Nevermind, I'm only here for the pay check.

Joshua, TCC


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