This is THE END - Trailer

On Sunday I went to watch the latest installment of Fast and Furious. Featured in the trailers was this peculiar little flick, 'This is the end.'

I was instantly intrigued at the amount of cameos that featured in the trailer alone, as well as the fact that everyone seemed to be playing themselves. It appears that the generically cool James Franco throws a house party on the same evening the apocalypse decides to take place.  Yep, just a few hours later the end of the world starts happening with the help of seriously daunting CGI for such a slap stick comedy.

Funny how most summer blockbusters this year seem to be featuring the end of the world...?  (Hollywood sure know how to capitalize on religious beliefs and prophecies just to make a quick buck.)

Anyho' this looks like a decent little throw away summer flick to look forward to in between all the heavyweight, high-expectation, you-better-not-get-it-wrong, you've-been-making-this-film-for-3-years, Christopher-Nolan-can-do-no-wrong, blockbusters type movies due to hit the silver screens within the next few months.

Check out the trailer below...

Joshua, TCC


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