Funny money

Here, in sunny old England, we are very funny about our money. This morning I was given this bizarre looking five pound note as part of my change in a shop.

I didn't bat an eyelid because I recalled in the news recently that they are issuing a new five pound note which features Winston Churchill's mug on it.

As I walked down the road, I started to realise this particular note lacked the presence of Mr Churchill. A slight panic came over me, until I scrutinised it and saw the reassuring words "Pound Sterling."

However, getting rid of this dodgy looking Scottish fiver will be a hard job. Cashiers panic at the sight of strange looking money, even if it does say it is pound sterling.

They will invariably press the buzzer to call for the supervisor. This is beyond them. They haven't been trained for this situation. I will hold up the queue looking and feeling like a criminal trying to get rid of a shipment of fake Monopoly money.

Shop keepers will chase me out their shops with brooms.

Yes, us English folk can get very funny about our money.

Joshua, TCC


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