Unwanted openings

The silly pocket had a hole in it. I think I was aware of this before I stupidly put a handsome amount of change into the side of my trousers. Well, I didn't realise that the hole was bigger than I had first imagined (stupidly). The coins fell into a great chasm that ran down my leg - then they gathered together at the bottom by my socks. Great! What an odd sensation that was... All I needed when I was rushing out in the morning. Shaking my leg like I was doing a funky man dance the money burst free and spilled to the floor. Clink, clink, clink...the wooden under footing felt their impact.

Far from being impressed, I quickly picked up the coins and put them into my other trouser pocket. Uh oh...I could feel another hole emerging in this container of all things paraphernalia. Hmm. I will have to be careful and monitor this situation - as I don't want more contents breaking free from their constraints. The pocket was already quite full, the bulging nature of it was more than apparent.

I could always put things into my coat pockets. Oh, wait a minute; these outer pockets are just for show. How ridiculously silly. Yes, the coat looks good - but it lacks functions that any 'sensible' man would require. OK, OK, the inside pocket will have to suffice. So, I distributed money and other items such as my ipod into this compartment. But it then gave my coat a slightly unsightly bulge in my torso region. Not happy, not happy - and it didn't feel particularly good. Back pockets... I have those, and they are in good condition. Good thinking, I will put stuff in there. Sweets, chewing gum, ID badge...Oh crumbs...Now I have a lumpy bottom. You can see the lumps and bumps on my derriere!

Highly frustrating to say the least. Eventually, I found a way to distribute my possessions evenly on my person. Phew... tick tock, tick tock... some hours later; I had forgotten about the holey pocket and unwittingly put money into it again. Oh no, not again! That peculiar sensation... time to shake ones leg again (hmmpth) Clink, clink, clink!

Sigh... I give up.

Demola, TCC


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