Parents that pedal gluttony

Sometimes I wonder how parents can allow their children to get into such a horrible state like these two baby bears. They must think that by over feeding their children is showing them love - but really it is just cruelty and terrible for one's health. The boy with the cap splatted on his head pointing his sausage (presumably asking another customer if they are "gonna eat that meal?" that they have just ordered) is on the road to ruin.

His buddy is not far behind. Although it could be easy to laugh at these creatures - I do wonder how they  really must feel deep down knowing that they will be subjected to ridicule and maybe bullying. Do the parents even think about this? Or are they blinded by the fact that "not so little Billy Bob" moans and whines when he doesn't get what he wants. So as a consequence food is shoved down his throat to keep him "happy" quiet and content.

There really cannot be much of a healthy future - if already, at the tender age that these two boys have - they just keep devouring copious amounts of rubbish. If this greedy society continues with ill informed and lazy parents not bothering to actually take care of children like Billy Bob (The boy with the cap) and his buddy (who cannot be named for legal reasons). Well, they will just get bigger and bigger until they inevitably explode.

Submitted by Demola, The Collective

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