The High Top Strikes Back

It's funny how styles go out of vogue and then invariably come back. The reason I say this is because I have started to notice more and more dudes sporting the ol' high top look. This old style was doing its thing back in the late 80's into the early 90's. Being very popular amongst the black communities, especially in America. Actors such as Kid and Play were arguably the most famous exponents of this particular style. Which was one of the stand out features from their early House Party films.

For whatever reason in the last few years, and right now in 2012, it has had a somewhat revival. Perhaps the trend for anything retro being in fashion has added to individuals requesting their barbers to hook them up with a hightop.

Personally, I think they look pretty good. Styles usually go in cycles. This is probably just another case of that.

However, there is always one prat that didn't get the memo...

Submitted by Demola, The Collective


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