El Mar

Collective Inspired...

Walking down to the shore - where I am free to sit and reflect..ponder on what my life would have been; if I had made different choices. I am here alone, solitude engulfs me. Staring out into the semi translucent sea; I take in the scented air - which fills and reverberates through my absorbent lungs. The spacious ocean laps up and down gently before me.

The wind tenderly touches my soul. I acknowledge the presence of the twinkling stars decorating the heavens and feel comforted by their radiant glow.

They are so far away, but for this moment feel so close. I am able to meditate and mull things over. There is no one in sight. The soft sand caresses my feet.

I stand here for what feels like a few moments - but in actuality it is hours..hours that soothingly roll by. We are made up from our experiences. They shape and mould us into who we become.

I have arrived at this conclusion. And I am comfortable in that realisation.

I feel at peace, as the sea reflects the early awakenings of the rising sun...

Submitted by Demola, The Collective


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