The sun is shining, the weather is (quite) sweet

The sun shines - and I am stuck inside. All I can do is look from behind my desk, out of a huge window. Everything looks brighter, everything looks; that bit nicer. Greenery and nature take centre stage now, this is the beginning of their season. Take a bow. People dressed anyhow, some over the top - because the sun is out. Some, just right, they make it look effortlessly cool. Spring wear fashions on display. Having said this, others lead me to dismay. They have rushed to remove their warmer clothing - to reveal...well..some stuff that should not be on display, until after..hmm, lets say - 9pm. I've seen some sights  I would rather not have seen. If I were able to change colour - defiantly I'd have turned a shade of green.

On the news this morning, the weather lady said it would get cooler by the end of the week and maybe even some light drizzle. Why couldn't she just shut up and tell us it would last a while longer. Oh well, I hope it lasts. Even though I will be enjoying it mostly from behind a large sheet of glass.

Submitted by Demola, The Collective


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