Hopefully a passing fad

There seems to be a new phenomenon that has recently swept through the male population like a bristled tornado. I first noticed the trend among various pop stars, footballers and other celebs, but now it seems almost everyone is at it.

The phenomena of which I speak entails a man purchasing or customising items of clothing in order to display their recently developed pectorals, allowing full visibility of the central divide of said pectorals or.... 'The male cleavage.'

OK, so you might of been working out, (a lot of us do) and you might be proud of your improved physique, (a lot of us are), but does everybody really need to see it, every time you got out on the razz? Is your chest an accessory? You know what you are doing, don't deny it. Who wears a woolly V-neck jumper with nothing underneath? That must itch like mad! I've heard of suffering for your style but that's ridiculous. If your mother knew you had your bare chest out in December she would give you a clip round the ears and tell you you're going to catch your death.

Come on guys, if this trend continues then I'm sure that there will soon be "flat chested" men going to the lengths of surgical implants to enhance their "pecs". Do we really need any more Darryn Lyons' knocking about? Do we want to be the generation that introduced this to the world? I hope not.

The ladies might "dig" it, (I don't know I neglected to take a survey) but in the 70's the ladies were enticed by the display of a hairy chest that entangled a gold medallion and this to me is no different. Don't get me wrong, by any means if you wish to wear low cut T-shirts for style then go for it, "do you". I only take issue when it's done solely to show off your gym chest. It's just not cool and forgive me for saying it but you're at risk of looking like you're auditioning to join JLS.

I've already made one comparison with the 1970's Burt Reynolds look. Other thing this is comparable to are;

  • XXL body builders who wear medium T-shirts and walk like they're carrying a television under each arm.
  • Women who wear their g-strings above their jeans because they think it's sexy.
  • People who lower the roofs of their convertible cars at the first sign of sun, regardless of the temperature.
  • Boy racers who's exhausts are tuned to be so loud that they drown out the heavy bass of their sub woofers. 
I could go on...

Those offended by this article may well label me a hater and argue that if they've got it why not flaunt it.  The truth is that I like a V- neck as much as the next man, and if your pectoral region is particularly defined then it will show when wearing one whether intentional or not. It's the repeat offenders that my qualm is with, the Geordie shore cast members of this world etc... You know who you are, It's time to put it away.


Submitted By David, The Collective


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