Collective Inspired...

A Morning In The Afternoon

It's after 10:30 when I pull myself out of bed. I was awoken by the usual youthful elation and exuberance for life of seven month old Brayden. In the form of; jumping from the knees, climbing, slapping and the toothless ramblings that emulate the murmurs of a drunkard who's faculties have long since fled the scene, and to whom the forming of a sentence is a memory of past glory.

After the essentials are taken care of; a clean nappy, some baby porridge and a bit of sterilising for the day ahead. Perhaps now I can embark on some breakfast of my own.

Honey nut corn flakes and semi-skimmed milk, microwaved to perfection. I'm fresh out of fresh coffee so I'm grudgingly demoted to instant. Right at this moment my better half nominates herself for bathing and dressing duty. I turn Fearne Cotton off and put on Muddy Waters.

As I'm singing along to 'Louisiana blues' I am summoned to bring the nappy rash cream. At this point I am drafted in for dressing duty. "I thought you was gonna take care of that?"

Slight friction is caused and a kissing of the teeth occurs.

By now we're at least 27 minutes into the afternoon and morning is still incomplete.

Submitted by David, The Collective


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